Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Orgasms List

Domina Doll
2 min readApr 18, 2022

With 134 Articles About Orgasms (and Growing!)

Photo by Bestbe Models on Pexels

I have always been fascinated by human orgasms.

Why do we have them? How do they function in the body and in the brain?

What chemical hormones are activated during orgasm?

The various types of orgasms people can have such as Gspot, squirting, and cervical orgasms. Prostate orgasms and anal orgasms.

Energy orgasms, hands-free orgasms, psychedelic orgasms.

Tips for having better orgasms and why do people have trouble achieving orgasms?

How orgasms are healing for the body.

What sensations in the body do people report during orgasm?

How orgasms can be empowering.

Faking orgasms and the Orgasm Gap.

Orgasms, spirituality, and enlightenment.

Why are female orgasms such as mystery?

And, why are we so obsessed with orgasms?

So, I put together a massive list of Orgasm Articles by sexpert writers here on Medium below with 134 (and growing) articles and observations about orgasms.

Here it is!



Domina Doll

Domina Doll: Sex Witch, Manifesting Alchemist & Female Sexuality Empowerment Sexpert ☽🌑☾ at EvokingEcstasy.com